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AD-FMCOMMS4-EBZ, Evaluation Board using AD9361 high performance, highly integrated RF transceiver for RF applications

Description AD-FMCOMMS4-EBZ, Evaluation Board is a high-speed analog module designed to showcase the AD9361, a high performance, highly integrated RF transceiver intended for use in RF applications, such as 3G and 4G base station and test equipment applications, and software defined radios. Its programmability and wideband capability make it ideal for a broad range of […]


STEVAL-IDS001V3, Demonstration Board based on the SPIRIT1 Low data-rate, short-range USB dongle transceiver in 433-MHz band

Description STEVAL-IDS001V3, Demonstration Board based on the SPIRIT1 Low data-rate, short-range USB dongle transceiver in 433-MHz band. The STEVAL-IDS001V4 demonstration board is based on the SPIRIT1, which is a sub-GHz low power, low data-rate transceiver suitable for ISM bands and Wireless M-BUS. The board is equipped with an STM32L low power microcontroller to control the […]


STEVAL-IKR002V7D, SPIRIT1 169-MHz low data rate Transceiver Daughter Board with range extender

Description STEVAL-IKR002V7D, SPIRIT1 169-MHz low data rate Transceiver Daughter Board with range extender. The STEVAL-IKR002V7D product evaluation board is based on the SPIRIT1 a very low-power RF transceiver intended for RF wireless applications in the sub 1 GHz frequency band. The STEVAL-IKR002V7D also features an on-board external front-end module from Skyworks (SKY66100-11), which can reach […]


X-NUCLEO-S2868A2, Sub-1 GHz 868 MHz RF Expansion Board based on S2-LP Radio for STM32 Nucleo

Description X-NUCLEO-S2868A2, Expansion Board is based on the S2-LP ultra-low power RF transceiver and operates in the 868 MHz ISM frequency band. The X-NUCLEO-S2868A2 interfaces with the STM32 Nucleo microcontroller via SPI connections and GPIO pins. You can change some of the GPIOs by mounting or removing the resistors. The expansion board is compatible with […]


X-NUCLEO-S2915A1, Sub-1 GHz 915 MHz RF Expansion Board based on S2-LP Radio for STM32 Nucleo

Reference Design en.x-nucleo-s2915a1_schematic x-nucleo-s2915a1_gerber en.x-nucleo-s2915a1_bom Description X-NUCLEO-S2915A1, Expansion Board is based on the S2-LP radio and operates in the 915 MHz ISM frequency band. The expansion board is compatible with ST morpho and Arduino UNO R3 connectors. The X-NUCLEO-S2915A1 interfaces with the STM32 Nucleo microcontroller via SPI connections and GPIO pins. You can change some […]


B-L072Z-LRWAN1 Discovery kit for LoRaWAN, Sigfox and LPWAN protocols with STM32L0 MCU

B-L072Z-LRWAN1, LoRa/Sigfox Discovery kit is a development tool to learn and develop solutions based on LoRa, Sigfox, and FSK/OOK technologies. This Discovery kit features the all-in-one CMWX1ZZABZ-091. The module is powered by an STM32L072CZ microcontroller and SX1276 transceiver. The transceiver features the LoRa long-range modem, providing ultra-long-range spread-spectrum communication and high interference immunity, minimizing current […]